Monday, November 3, 2008

Udurawana & the Conference.

Once attend & addressed a conference in Great Bribain. The following is a series of incident taken from this event.

1) Ants

It was the first time that Udurawana got into an aero plane so, he got in, took a seat near a window and was looking out side very keenly.

The passenger seated next to him was a bit curious.

“Excuse me” he inquired to Udurawana “What do you see outside ?

“We must be high above ground now” said Udurawana’ people on the ground look like ants from here.

“That’s interesting ! said the other passenger, and looked through the window. Then, smiling he said,

They really ARE ants. You know, the plane is yet to take off ! jdyz9fhc78

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